
Monograms from Microsoft Word Part 1

Hi all,

Remember the last time I said we were going to make a simple monogram using Microsoft Word? Well here is part One.

If you have Microsoft 2007, the Microsoft Corp. has made is quite easy to create shapes, symbols, etc in word with just a click of a button. In the case on my left, I simply created two squares. One is an outlined square with a white space. The outline is dashes, while the smaller "Tiffany blue" square is a simple solid box. In this case I decide to go along the same color palate in different tints because for the DIY'er, its just easier that way. When getting into matching various colors, it gets a bit more challenging. So that's it so far, all we need now it the typography or font scheme. Keep in mind, the font scheme can be pretty, but if no one understands it, then what sense did it make in creating the monogram in the first place? So, the answer to that is keep the typography simple and legible.

Next time: Microsoft Word Monogram Part 2: Creating the font scheme or typography.

Oh yeah... P.S. If anyone needs help with the step-by-step of doing this portion on Microsoft Word for 2007 or 2003 versions, let me know by sending a comment my way or emailing me at soulmate_designs@ymail.com Toodles 'till next time!