And behold, there are African symbols! Yes, my Black bride and groom, you too can express your ethnic-based love in a simple monogram with beautiful hues of color.
For example, check out the monogram on the right. Simple shapes of circles which provides the ambiance of unity and infinity (circles are unbroken and continual..much like your wedding rings) But in the background of one of the circles is an Adinkra symbol. It's suddle, yet effective and mixed with the sophistication of a script font. Now the hot color for this wedding year is Pantone color called "mimosa" which is the color featured here.
Also as I stated earlier, this color could be used in a monochromatic style, which is also another hot trend for 2009. But the choice is all yours. Now this monogram doesn't have to have just one inital, it can have both, but the balance(visual symetry) must be taken into consideration when doing that.
If you have any questions or comments about this monogram, please feel free to email me at Its a great way to infuse your African heritage into your wedding.
African Art Monograms
Posted by Lauren--Soulmate Designs 0 comments
Labels: Adinkra, African, African-American, Afro-Caribbean, bride, design, diy, do it yourself, engagments, groom, inivitations, invitations, marriage, monograms, save the dates, symbols, yellow
Wedding Stationery Trends for 2009
Well its 2009 and the trends reports are out.
--Question: Did I forget the next session of the Microsoft Word monograms? Nope.. it's done, just have to do some tweaking before the next blog post. So, if you are a DIY bride or groom(yes I know some grooms are out there too) it will be posted soon, so keep reading...
So back to the trend reports. Check out the following link for new wedding stationery trends.. tell me what you think.
*PSA Please!: Yes, I know most of these sites have mentioned brocade or damask-styled invitations as the hot trend in invitations, but must we always follow fashion? Why can't we create new trends for 2009? You know it is, once one does it, everyone and their grandmother does it. Then the trend gets boring and outdated. Please don't let this happen to damask or brocade, its too pretty to do that. --Thank you for reading my public service announcement.
Posted by Lauren--Soulmate Designs 0 comments
Labels: 2009, bride, colors, damask, design, diy, do it yourself, engagement, groom, invitations, marriage, monochromatic, monograms, natural, new, save the dates, stationery, trends, wedding, weddings